Yes, it’s been a while. So much for New Year’s resolutions. Too many distractions, but most were self-inflicted. We did a kitchen remodel. Enough said?
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’m working on The Hanover Girls Book 5. I’m struggling with the thought that it will finish the series. I had to stop writing due to the distractions, but I finally feel like I’m back on course. The characters get closer, and the relationships deepen. Book 5 may end this sequence of events, but I may never walk away from these characters. So, yes, I plan on continuing with other storylines of these remarkable people and their legacy.
I’ve enjoyed the research on Book 5, taking me on internet journeys to Ireland, Paris, and, of course, New England. Also more technical subjects like flight school (spoiler) and music recording. Both of which I’m familiar with from my younger days, and both of which have changed dramatically from my younger days.
One of the better distractions has been the guitar I mentioned in a previous post. I’ve never done a setup on my guitars myself, usually letting more qualified technicians take care of it. But I didn’t really like the factory setup on the new guitar, so I decided to do it myself. I learned a lot, thanks to many good posts and videos online. It’s just the way I want it now. It’s the kind of guitar you just want to pick up and play every time you walk by it. A technical but creative distraction.
In the midst of the guitar discovery, and with help from some creative impulses, I realized Book 5 needed some original music. So I embarked on some original songs. Creativity spawns creativity, which I love. It’s very strange to have so much music tied to the stories. I actually have a playlist for Book 4, where most of it is performed. It’s funny when inspiration hits you. Two in the morning, and I’m typing lyrics into my phone before I forget them. I hope that never ends.
I love your blogs..If I didn’t know who was writing these I would immediately know that it was you. These posts are So YOU. You are and always will be my Brent.